Sunday, October 08, 2006

Sunday Fun

Well, I promised some reviews/ recommendations, so here they are:

The other day I watched a movie called Edison Force, and it is a lot of fun. It stars Morgan Freeman, Kevin Spacey, LL Cool J, and, um, Justin Timberlake, who is actually a really good actor. Highly recommended.

And today I saw the new Martin Scorcese film The Departed, with Leonardo DiCaprio, Matt Damon, Jack Nicholson, and Mark Wahlberg. It was, in a word, great and very intense. It is probably the best new film I have seen all year. As there is a lot going on in it and I don't want to give anything away, I will just say that all of the actors are excellent but Leonardo and Marky Mark really stand out. Highly Recommended.

As for books, I am currently reading (well, it is one of the books I am currently reading) The Emperor Gaius by J.P.V.D. Baldson, it was first published in 1934, and is a history of the Roman emperor Gaius, more famously known as Caligula. As I am a great student of Roman history, Caligula is quite a fascinating figure to me and, indeed, I have already read a few books about him and this one provides further insights into the man. Highly Recommended.

Though there is a lot of music that I love, one album that I really like is Gustav Mahler's Fifth Symphony. Highly Recommended.

So, that is it from me for this Sunday and see you again later!


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